
In order for concrete to set and be durable and hard as it can be, it must go through a stage called curing. Longer is always better, but at least 7 days can be suitable for concrete to properly cure. It can also cure in temperatures as low as 5 degrees. Visit: Read MoreWhat is the minimum curing period for concrete?

When mixing concrete the ratio needs to be perfect. Too much water added will make the overall strength weaker, and cause shrinkage or cracking. If too little water goes into the mix then it will set dry, crumbling and breaking apart. It is one of the most critical parts of mixing, that just the right... Read MoreWhat happens if you add too much water to concrete?

What All Should You Know When You Go About Hiring A Concrete Contractor? All wet concrete looks good, even if you do it yourself. It's like paint. Have you ever painted and felt you did a good job, only to realize later that the work you did wasn't so hot? You start noticing those imperfections.... Read MoreAll Should You Know When You Go About Hiring A Concrete Contractor?